There are over 1,500 National Days, National Weeks, and National Months according to the National Day calendar...National Pizza Day (February 9th), National Oatmeal Nut Waffle Day (March 11th), and National Cheeseburger Day (September 18th) just to name a few. We also annually celebrate National Manufacturing Day observed on October 2nd this year. This may sound like any other commemorative day but there is much more to Manufacturing Day than most people think. There are over 12 million people employed in manufacturing roles throughout the U.S. This day celebrates how these jobs keep our economy running while also encouraging the next generation to take a look at a career in manufacturing.

Dixon has been a proud U.S. manufacturer since 1916. We have over 1100 employees working throughout the U.S., making sure our customers have a domestic option for many of the products they need. In many cases, we are one of the only companies that make certain products in the U.S.

People often overlook the fact that a manufacturer also requires sales, marketing, engineering, IT, human resources, and all of the other functions that support a business. However, the engine driving the company is the manufacturing employees who create the products and start the economic cycle. Everyone plays an important role in the company’s success, but on Manufacturing Day we focus on the people that produce the product.
We are proud to be a critical supplier who continues to safely work through the COVID-19 pandemic reliably supplying the markets we serve even while other overseas supply chains became unreliable.

We take pride in being a U.S. manufacturer and are committed to remaining to be your manufacturer of choice by reinvesting in our company and the communities in which we live. We are in the process of building a new manufacturing facility that will be completed in early 2021. This sits on the same campus as our new high-tech distribution center (completed in 2019) and headquarters (finished July 2020). We are making these investments because we believe in the importance of U.S. manufacturing and fully support the growing trend to buy domestic products.

I am excited to see that manufacturing is now cool again and people realize it is more than just a dirty job someone takes when they don’t know what else to do. Dixon is proud to have tirelessly worked to change this perception through innovation and investment, and by creating careers in modern manufacturing that provide opportunities and a great future.
So thank you to our customers that support U.S. manufacturing and thank you to the people we have employed at Dixon on the frontline of manufacturing allowing us to stay a proud U.S. manufacturer.