What Products Are Made From a Barrel of Crude Oil?Dalton TurnerJun 22, 2022While most consumers are familiar with the gasoline and diesel that power their vehicles, do they kn...
Swivel Joint FundamentalsAgency 102Jun 8, 2022Dixon entered the industrial swivel market in 1985 when it acquired Le-Hi Andrews. Over the years, w...
Chemical Solvents in Ethanol and the Effect on Sight GlassesMelanie JacksonMay 25, 2022Acrylic sight glasses are commonly used in petroleum cargo tanks to make liquid level and flow visib...
Dry Disconnect Comparison - Bayloc®, Bayonet, and Dixon MannTekAgency 102May 11, 2022Dry disconnect couplings are designed for the quick and spill-free connection and disconnection of h...
Why Do Oil Prices Rise and Fall?Dalton TurnerApr 27, 2022In the last two years, we have seen crude oil prices fluctuate from trading at historic lows of $13....
Sparking the Conversation About Ground VerificationMelanie JacksonApr 13, 2022Have you ever gotten out of the car and reached for the door only to be met with a shock? The small ...
What is Internal Expansion?Dalton TurnerMar 30, 2022No, this is not a blog about expanding a company by creating internal growth. Internal expansion as ...
Sanitary vs Industrial ValvesAgency 102Mar 16, 2022From doing a load of laundry to turning up the heat in your home, everyday life wouldn’t be the same...
Hydrogen as a FuelAgency 102Mar 2, 2022If you’ve ever been stuck in traffic on the Capital Beltway around Washington D.C., you know how man...
Check Out Our End Force CalculatorAgency 102Feb 16, 2022At Dixon®, we provide a wide range of interactive tools on our website to help our customers conside...